News and Events

Professors Bolotin (L) and Beyar (R) at the conference. Photo credit: Pioter Fliter

Cardiac Health: Good News and Great News


Assembled at Rambam’s 11th annual Department of Cardiac Surgery conference were the leading Israeli cardiac surgeons and hundreds of other physicians and nurses working in the field. In addition to presenting the latest, breakthrough high tech devices, the participants deliberated on the necessity for a multidisciplinary team approach to treatment in order to guarantee the best care.

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Amna Hijazi with Dr. Oren Caspi (on the right) and Dr. Zvi Adler. Photo credit: Nathaniel Ayzik

From Lab to Life — Heart Implantation Instead of Transplantation


Today, more than ever, artificial heart implantation is becoming an excellent, accessible solution for people suffering from extreme heart failure, the epidemic of the Western world. Patients no longer have to wait years for a donor heart. The third generation of artificial hearts is here, and accessibility is growing.

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Dr. Charas prepares a bio-compatible gel treatment at Rambam. Credit: Pioter Fliter.

New Treatment Protects Prostate Cancer Patients from Intestinal Damage during Radiation Therapy


M., a prostate cancer patient, needed to undergo radiation treatment. However, as a carrier of a genetic mutation, this form of treatment could also endanger his health and cause intestinal tumors. A new methodology recently introduced at Rambam gives him and other patients hope.

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Dr. Michael (Miki) Halberthal. Photo Credit: Pioter Fliter.

Dr. Michael Halberthal Appointed Ninth Director General of Rambam Health Care Campus


Dr. Michael (Miki) Halberthal, who most recently served as Deputy Director of Rambam, has been appointed Director General and CEO of Rambam Health Care Campus. Dr. Halberthal’s appointment will officially begin March 1, 2019, replacing Professor Rafael (Rafi) Beyar, who served as Rambam's director for the last 13 years and has retired from that position. Dr. Halberthal, 60, married and a father of four from Zichron Yaakov, becomes the ninth director of Northern Israel’s largest hospital.

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Rambam's surgical team in the operating room. Credit: Spokesperson's Office, RHCC

Six Procedures in One Surgery: Young Motorcyclist Saved from Severe Disability at Rambam


Rambam Health Care Campus is the only Level 1 trauma center in Northern Israel, treating the most difficult, complex injuries. Recently, an exceptionally rare case was treated at Rambam – a large-scale orthopedic injury not seen every day. During an operation in which a multidisciplinary team took part, six procedures were performed to fix an injury that could have led to serious disability.

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Dr. Shmuel Graffi in the operating room. Photo credit: Nathaniel Ayzik, Spokesperson's Office, RHCC

Rambam: Surgery to Restore Vision Using a Placenta Membrane Transplant


The placenta, one of the most fascinating organs in the woman's body, is known for its important properties in helping to ensure fetal safety. Some believe the placenta can also help solve other medical problems. However, an unusual use of the female organ was recently made when Rambam Health Care Campus used a placenta to restore a young woman’s eyesight.

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Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein receiving the Rambam Award from Professor Rafi Beyar, 2012

Rambam mourns the loss of Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, President of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews


Rabbi Eckstein founded the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews in 1983 and served as its president until his death. He was an American-Israeli activist and sat on the Board of Governors of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, United Israel Appeal, and the Jewish Agency. In addition, he wrote seven books and won several prizes for his activities.

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Aviva Ofer with her sons at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Sammy Ofer Fortified Underground Emergency Hospital. Photo credit: Pioter Fliter.

A Final Farewell to Aviva Ofer


Aviva Ofer, matriarch of the philanthropist Ofer family, and the widow of one of Rambam’s beloved donors, the well-known business tycoon, Mr. Sammy Ofer, has passed away in her London home on Saturday, February 2, 2019.

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Rambam's pediatric kidney transplant team in action. Photography: Pioter Fliter

Rambam Marks its 40th Pediatric Kidney Transplant


In five years, 40 patients have received chances for new lives thanks to the kidney transplant team at Rambam Health Care Campus’s Ruth Rappaport Children’s Hospital. Last week, a two-year-old girl joined the ranks of the medical center’s “young transplant family” – the only facility in Northern Israel that performs these surgeries.

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Dr. Arthur Kerner inserts a catheter. Photography: Ben Yuster

New Catheterization Technique for Patients Who Previously Had to Undergo Recurrent Open Heart Surgery


An innovative therapeutic approach recently implemented at Rambam, for the first time in Israel, enabled an aortic valve transplant in patients who, in the past, had to undergo repeated open heart surgeries for the same type of procedure. An alternative to open heart surgery, this new technique uses cardiac catheterization in patients at high risk for coronary artery blockage during surgery, a complication that can lead to death.

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Professor Rafi Beyar (R) and a colleague during a procedure. Photo Credit: Pioter Fliter

First in Human: Doctors Perform Remote-Controlled Cardiac Catheterization Procedure Kilometers Apart from Patient


An Israel-developed robotic heart catheterization system allows the operator to sit kilometers away from the patient lying in the catheterization laboratory. Professor Rafael Beyar, Director of Rambam Health Care Campus, the inventor of this novel robotic system, said: “In the future, we’ll be able to teach the robot how to perform catheterizations by itself.”

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Joseph Schansky on his bicyle. Courtesy of J. Schansky.

Rambam Saves Life of a Marathon Runner Following Stroke


Joseph Schansky, 47, from Haifa, Israel, had been a model for healthy living. This did not prevent a life-threatening stroke. In a dramatic race for his life, Rambam physicians saved him and, within a few days, he safely returned to his usual activities.

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(L-R) Professor Perez Lavie, Professor Avraham Hershko, Professor Aaron Ciechanover, and Professor Rafi Beyar. Photography: Ofer Golan, Spokesperson's Office, RHCC

Rambam Inaugurates Nobel Prize Room in Old Lab of the 2004 Winners


Almost 50 years after serving as a breeding ground for Israel’s doctors and researchers, the old medical school on the hospital campus became a new bridge connecting the past with the future. The original research laboratory of the 2004 Nobel Prize Laureates in Chemistry, which today serves as a surgical skills training center, has become a marker of the history of Israeli science and a source of inspiration for future generations.

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Santa and Staff from the Ruth Rappaport Children's Hospital. Credit: Nathaniel Isaac, Spokesperson's Office, RHCC

Holiday of Holidays in Haifa: Santa Claus Comes to Rambam


During the last weeks of December, the city of Haifa has a huge celebrate called, the "Holiday of Holidays." During this time, Jewish, Christian, and Isalmic holidays that fall in December are celebrated and people come to Haifa from all over Israel to participate in the fun. However, holidays in the hospital are never fun, and so, in the spirit of the Holiday of Holidays, Santa visited children in Rambam's Ruth Rappaport Children's Hospital

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The entrance to the new center with the Zukier family and members of Rambam's administration. Photo Credit: Pioter Fliter

Zukier Family Honored for Philanthropy to Fight Epilepsy


An event honoring the Zukier family for their donation of The Zukier Family Comprehensive Epilepsy Center of Excellence was held on December 13, 2018 in the Ruth Rappaport Children's Hospital at Rambam Health Care Campus.

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Pouring the roof of the first floor of Helmsley Health Discovery Tower. Photography: Pioter Fliter

Underway at Rambam: Helmsley Health Discovery Tower


Today (Wednesday, December 12), a ceremony was held to celebrate completion of the first floor for the Helmsley Health Discovery Tower, under construction at the heart of Rambam Health Care Campus. Attending were representatives of Rambam’s administration, Friends of Rambam, University of Haifa, and the Technion–Israel Institute of Technology.

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Daniella Abramov receives a Hanukkah gift before being discharged. Photo credit: Pioter Fliter

Australian Mystery Donor Gives Hundreds of Hanukkah Presents to Children Hospitalized at Rambam HCC


No child wants to be hospitalized during Hanukkah, a holiday filled with fun, games, laughter, and lighting of the menorah. So you can imagine how excited the children in Rambam’s Ruth Rappaport Children's Hospital were when an anonymous Australian donor sent a transport of toys—just for them!

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Dr. Rashad Abusaleh at the CCVS Meeting.

Rambam Doctor Appointed as Israel/Asia International Youth Representative by the International Union of Angiology


Dr. Rashad Abusaleh, a senior doctor in the Department of Vascular Surgery and Transplantation at Rambam Health Care Campus was appointed by the International Union of Angiology (IUA) to be the International Youth Vice Chairman of the Young Committee of the International Union of Angiology.

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(L-R) Professor Rafi Beyar, Professor Rami Aqeilan, Professor Mousa Youdim, and Professor Ziv Gil.  Photo Credit: Pioter Fliter

Rambam Celebrates 5 Years Promoting Breakthrough Israeli Cancer Research


The fifth Scientific Conference for Excellence in Cancer Research – during the course of which, the Youdim Family Prize was granted to researchers who excel in the field – was recently held at Rambam Health Care Campus. Over the past five years, seven researchers from different Israeli institutions have received the $20,000 prize, awarded for medical or biomedical cancer research exemplifies excellence, novelty, and/or scientific breakthroughs.

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