The Kehat Lab

Translational Research

Cardiovascular System Biology Lab


Principal Investigator: Prof. Itzhak Kehat

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a worldwide epidemic. It is estimated, for example, that in Europe around 10 million people are suffering from this disease. Despite some progress in medical treatment within the last 10 years, morbidity and mortality of CHF are still high: 70-80% of patients suffering from heart failure will die within the next 8 years. Our lab studies the molecular mechanisms responsible for cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling during heart failure. Specifically, we focus on the maintenance of the sarcomere, the epigenetic modifications that control gene expression in the heart, and on the mechanisms that differentially control concentric and eccentric cardiac growth in order to suggest additional targets for treating human disease. We are also trying to elucidate the molecular mechanisms responsible for vascular and valve calcifications and find novel approaches to stop this devastating process.

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The Kehat Lab

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