Rambam MedTech

Technology Transfer Office TTC

Rambam MedTech Ltd. is the technology transfer company (TTC) for Rambam Health Care Campus. Since 2014, it has served as the liaison between Rambam’s research community and industry by facilitating the process of bringing medical innovations to the market.

Rambam MedTech Ltd. is authorized by the Israeli government to handle all innovations and intellectual property (IP) generated by Rambam clinicians and scientists. As such, the company supports the pioneering and innovative research carried out by Rambam’s physicians and researchers, and regularly helps transform ideas into groundbreaking medical products.

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Innovation Portfolio

9 items

Home-use test system for the detection of ovarian cancer

Status: Human trials ongoing
Home-use test system for the detection of ovarian cancer

Cold plasma for minimally-invasive surgery and cell removal

Researcher: Professor Jacob CohenProf. Yacob Krasik
Company: CAPS Medical
Non-thermal atmospheric (“cold”) plasma for minimally-invasive surgery and specific cell removal without collateral damage.Modalities can be developed for most minimally invasive procedures.
Status: Pre-clinical trials completed. Prototype under development. Patent Granted: IL, EP, US
Cold plasma for minimally-invasive surgery and cell removal

Device for multiple pancreas biopsies in a single procedure

Researcher: Prof. Ishay Lachter
Company: OnePass
A multiple biopsy device which fans out inside the pancreas and allows multiple biopsy samples in one procedure. Endoscopic ultrasound and guided fine needle aspiration is a rapidly spreading minimally invasive diagnostic method, but current devices require fanning, retracting and other manipulation, which results in longer duration and complications.
Status: Working on first prototype. Patent pending.
Device for multiple pancreas biopsies in a single procedure

AI-based virtual pain expert

Researcher: Dr. Simon Vulfsons
Company: PG Medical Systems
A “virtual pain expert” – an AI-based, clinical decision support system for pain medicine, tailoring the best pain treatment and management scheme for different patients.
Status: Licensed to MindUp Incubator, 2018
AI-based virtual pain expert

Stroke diagnosis and management system based on mobile phones

Researcher: Dr. Rotem Sivan
Company: CVAid
A mobile phone based automated stroke diagnosis and management system, aimed to reduce symptoms-to-needle time. Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability. In the US alone, ~795,000 people suffer a stroke every year. Less than 10% of patients receive the required medical treatment.
Status: Beta version available, initial clinical trial at Rambam. Provisional patent submitted.
Stroke diagnosis and management system based on mobile phones

Novel way of preventing the initial bonding between catheters and fibrin/thrombus debris

Researcher: Dr. Gil Zur
Company: Cathway Medical
Preventing the initial bonding between catheters and fibrin/thrombus debris by a novel electric approach thus protecting the catheter’s lumen.
Status: Provisional 02-2019
Novel way of preventing the initial bonding between catheters and fibrin/thrombus debris

A device for preventing coronary obstruction after Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)

Company: H.V.T. Medical Technologies
A dedicated device for cusp splitting to prevent coronary obstruction post Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI). The risk of coronary obstruction is very high (~30%) in Valve-in–valve and TAVI-in-TAVI (~20%). Valve-in-valve: 5% with 50% risk to coronaries.
Status: Prototype PoC. IP: PCT 2021.
A device for preventing coronary obstruction after Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)

Rheological test for differentiating between types of pancreatic cysts

Researcher: Dr. Iyad KhamaysiEyal Zussman
Company: Fluid Medical
Pancreatic cyst classification by analyzing the rheological behavior of pancreatic cyst fluid.
Status: 22 sample study on human cysts
Rheological test for differentiating between types of pancreatic cysts

Intraocular lens fixation device

Researcher: Dr. Modi Naftali
Company: Hanita lenses
A novel Intraocular lens (IOL) fixation device for a simple and safe surgical fixation technique following a cataract surgery. Intraocular lens subluxation or dislocation has been reported with increasing frequency, leading to concerns of a pending large increase in IOL dislocations needing surgical intervention.
Status: Proof of concept
Intraocular lens fixation device
21 items

A disposable clipping and cutting device for eye muscle surgery

Researcher: Dr. Yonina RonEng. Tzvi Lefel

A device for eye muscle surgery, consisting of a biodegradable clip and a cutting element. The device enables a quick, safe and accurate procedure.

Status: Proof of concept

A novel closed-system drug-transfer device for oral dosage

Researcher: Eng. Tzvi LefelLiliya Katzir

Closed system Drug Transfer Device (CSTD) for oral dosage of cytotoxix drugs that combines the act of crushing, dissolving, and stirring in a liquid – all under aseptic, pressurized conditions for oral administration. Mechanically prohibits the transfer of environmental contaminants into the system and the escape of hazardous drugs or vapor of outside contaminants. Saves preparation time and decreases staff health risks.

Status: Proof of concept on drugs commonly used in oncology. Patent Pending US, EP, China

A system and method for real-time assessment of the type of brain injury under anesthesia

Description: A combination of a marker for brain dysfunction, from a two-channel EEG sticker + O.R. data events: BP, Sat %, PCO2, drugs, procedure stage, to derive real-time identification of risk for a specific brain injury such as stroke, delirium and POCD.
Status: PoC in clinical studies


Researcher: Prof. Benjamin MedalionYaron sharimItzhak Aharon

A sticker surrounding any Catheter, electric wire, tubes, cables or any other instrument that penetrate the human body which includes a chamber of antibacterial liquid or antibacterial gel that is surrounding the penetration area and the penetrated instrument.
Status: Proof of concept

Status: Proof of concept

Applying AI to bring better outcomes to critically ill patients

Description: An AI tool that enables the physician early detection of life-threatening events and assists in daily decisions. The researchers developed an ML algorithm that analyzes the available data in the patients’ EMR in order to recognize blood-culture samples with a high probability to be positive for bloodstream infection at the sampling time (24 hours before it is feasible today).
Status: The algorithm reached excellent PoC at Rambam Health Care Campus and Beth-Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts. Preliminary results for early detection of other events show good performance. Patent pending – US.

CAR-T cells with improved efficacy for the treatment of solid tumors


CAR-T cells with improved efficacy for the treatment of solid tumors

Status: Prototype successful pre-clinical trials in mice model

Coagulation modulation by unique pathway


A peptide that inhibits the activity of Heparanase, thereby decreasing coagulation without increasing bleeding.

Status: Successful pre-clinical studies including formulation, expression, tox. and PoC in animals

Controlled suture passage device

Researcher: Dr. Yonina RonDr. Roi Sandovsky

A device for controlled needle and thread passage through the sclera in eye surgery. In certain tissues, as in the eye, it is necessary to transfer a suture at a partial depth to prevent deep, uncontrolled penetration which can cause irreversible damage to the tissue and expose it to infections. Today the suturing is done manually and completely depends on human skills.

Status: Proof of concept


Researcher: Dr. Ruti EinbinderOphir Marko

An orthopedic guide for performing guided phalange fracture reduction and fixation with k-wire, using an external guide device mounted on a fractured finger.

Status: Prototype PoC. IP: PCT 2021.

Disposable closed system for sterile drug preparation and administration

Researcher: Eng. Tzvi Lefel

A “closed” and sterile system for preparation and injection of IV drugs at the patient's bedside (a “clean room” in a box).

Status: Proof of concept

Duo mixer

Researcher: Dr. Omri Emodi

A cassette, allowing the mixing of two solutions for the production of a chemically stable solution in general prior to use   that chemically eliminates the pain of injection.

Status: Proof of concept

Food supplement for treatment of diabetes and obesity, in a new pharmaceutical formulation


A food supplement with the combined effects of L-arginine and sodium butyrate on GLP-1 and glucose levels in circulation; which reduces appetite in adults with obesity.

Status: Provisional 02-2019

Involvement of Heparanase in the pathogenesis of pancreatitis and synthesis of a new anti-Heparanase molecule: Potential therapeutic target

Researcher: Dr. Iyad Khamaysi

A new chemical composition for inhibition of Heparanase enzyme to treat pathogenesis of Acute Pancreatitis (AP).

Status: Proof of Concept in animal model

Machine Learning based speech production correction

Researcher: Professor Jacob Cohen Faten AwwadProf. Yossi KeshetTalia Ben-Simon
Description: Machine learning based speech production device providing real-time feedback in children’s voices. Enables children with speech sound disorder to practice between sessions with their speech therapist
Status: A working product algorithm

Manually positioned Venous ECMO cannula

Researcher: Dr. Roi Glam

Novel way to shorten the time it takes to place a Venous cannula while at the same time allowing the surgeon full control over the operation with no need of ultrasound.

Status: Prototype. Proof of concept

Myectomy device


A transcatheter myectomy device to fully eliminate ventricular septum without open surgery.
Myectomy in open heart surgery or alcohol septal ablation. Both methods have major problems (postoperative mortality and repeat procedures).

Status: Prototype PoC

PAX8 as Novel Target for Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer Therapy

Researcher: Dr. Ruth PeretsDr. Nir Ben Haim

: Phills for Treating ovarian endometrial and renal cancer

Status: Prototype Provisional

Radiomics Analysis of Pathological PET-PSMA Uptake


Combination of quantitative image analysis tools (Radomics) with routine PSMA-PET output data increases prediction of metastatic disease in prostate adenocarcinoma patients. The technology is capable to predict the metastatic disease with high accuracy but with fair sensitivity and specificity.

Status: Provisional 2022

Reward system activation for cardiovascular health

Description: The proposed method is based on targeted brain manipulation to activate the reward system in order to treat cardiovascular disorders.
Status: Proof of concept

Samaphorin inhibiting angiogenesis in eye pathology

Researcher: Dr. Yoreh BarakProf. Gera Neufeld

An engineered protein – Sema 3C – for treating eye disorders and specifically age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and/or reducing abnormal angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in a patient’s eye.

Status: Successful pre-clinical studies including formulation, expression, tox. and PoC in animals

Ultrasound Needle Guide Devices

Researcher: Ariel LevineSivan BardaShoval LahavDr. Anatoly Dvorsky

An A-mode ultrasound-based apparatus, designed to ease the placement of epidural catheters in obese parturients

Status: Prototype PoC
3 items

Compounds for treatment of APOL1 Nephropathy


A new chemical molecule for treatment of chronic kidney disease targeting a specific cellular protein.

Status: Proof of Concept in vitro
Compounds for treatment of APOL1 Nephropathy

Procoagulation peptide


A peptide enhancing tissue factor activity for treatment in trauma and hemophilia bleeding. Long half-life and no thrombosis.

Status: Proof of Concept
Procoagulation peptide

Raphael Pharmaceutical Inc.


Raphael Pharmaceutical Inc. is a pioneering drug research and development company dedicated to discovering and advancing life-enhancing therapies based on cannabinoids. By collaborating with leading scientific experts and leveraging cutting-edge technologies, Raphael is committed to developing safe and effective cannabinoid-based treatments for a range of challenging medical conditions.
Raphael Pharmaceutical has established strategic partnerships with Rambam MedTech and The Shanti Medical Cannabis Research Center at Rambam Health Care Campus. These collaborations focus on investigating and deciphering the mechanisms which enable cannabinoids to be effective in the treatment of patients with various diseases, including:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
  • COVID-19
  • Lung inflammation
  • Asthma
  • Autoimmune diseases

Over the past five years, Raphael Pharmaceutical has invested approximately $3.5 million into these groundbreaking studies. This investment has resulted in signigicatn progress, including:

  •  Authorization of a clinical trial for COVID-19 patients.
  • A clinical proof-of-concept trial in the US evaluating Raphael's proprietary formula for RA patients, which recently concluded with highly encouraging results.
  • Successful identification of a specific cannabis strain belonging to Raphael, which demonstrated the ability to attenuate chronic lung inflammation and asthma in both mouse models and human-derived immune cells.

Looking ahead, Raphael Pharmaceutical will continue these vital collaborations to explore cannabinoid-based formulas for diseases that currently lack effective solutions. By driving innovation and leveraging its partnerships, Raphael is committed to delivering transformative therapies to patients worldwide.

Status: Clinical Trials Ongoing
Raphael Pharmaceutical Inc.

Collaboration Path

  • Co-development of Novel Technologies
  • Big Data for digital health development
  • Medicinal cannabis research center
  • Tissue models for drug screening
  • Microbiome research center
  • Out-licensing of medical technologies
Collaboration Path

Success Stories

Limaca Medical

Limaca Medical

With the help of Rambam MedTech Ltd., Dr. Iyad Khamaysi, the director of Rambam’s Advanced Endoscopy Unit in the Department of Gastroenterology, recently founded a company that will commercialize the biopsy device he invented.
More details About Limaca Medical
CAPS Medical

CAPS Medical

A new medical device to treat a wide range of solid cancer tumors with non-thermal atmospheric plasma could become the new treatment paradigm. Rambam MedTech Ltd. managed the patent application and technology transfer processes that led to the establishment of CAPS Medical.
More details About CAPS Medical
Gina Life

Gina Life

The revolutionary diagnostic platform being developed by Gina Life has the potential of becoming a global game changer that could save the lives of millions of women. Its goal is to detect a range of medical conditions and diseases, including ovarian cancer, through a simple home-testing kit that analyzes vaginal discharge.
More details About Gina Life


MindUP is a digital health incubator that supports entrepreneurs with innovative technological concepts at the initial stage of R&D and helps them establish startup companies.

More details About MindUP

Collaborations with Industry

Rambam Medtech collaborates with leading global corporations in order to promote and facilitate the transfer of technologies developed within the Rambam community. These collaborations include licensing deals, joint applied research, joint development of medical devices and projects entailing big data.

collaboration with industry

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