Liver Unit

תמונה ראשית - כבד

Liver Unit

The Liver Unit diagnoses and treats patients with diseases and growths of the liver, and with Hepatitis B and C. The unit performs liver biopsies using US and CT imaging, as well as intravenous liver biopsies in conjunction with the Invasive Radiology Department. In addition, the unit provides chemoembolic treatment to patients with malignant liver diseases, and RF ablation treatments to remove growths using heat applied with radio waves. Ascites drainage and albumin infusion treatment are provided in the Unit's outpatient services.

The Liver Unit also conducts international clinical research in its field, including: new drug treatments for Hepatitis C (Albuferon, Viramadin), and using Peg-interferons and Ribavirin, new drug treatments for Hepatitis B (Telbivudin, Entecavir), monitoring of the presence of esophageal varices using the video-capsule, studies on transplant of liver cells in liver disease using a murine animal model, and more.​​​