News and Events

Upcoming AFORAM Webinar to Discuss Stanford and Rambam Biodesign Programs

Upcoming AFORAM Webinar to Discuss Stanford and Rambam Biodesign Programs

8/19/2020 8:00 PM
American Friends of Rambam (AFORAM) is serving as co-host for an upcoming webinar. Participants can learn about Stanford’s world-renowned Biodesign program, and its impact in training healthtech innovation leaders.
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The team behind the project. Dr. Anna Petrusev (L) and Nurit Ariel (R) with a patient in a clinic. Photography: Rambam HCC

New at Rambam: Women's Clinic for Victims of Sexual Violence

8/16/2020 10:00 AM

A new clinic at Rambam Health Care Campus offers a dedicated framework for victims of sexual assault in order to provide them with follow-up and medical treatment in a manner best suited for them.

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Yaniv Hadad surrounded by his medical team at Rambam. Photography: Rambam HCC

Rambam Heart Surgeons Save Life of "Iron Man"

7/31/2020 10:00 AM

When "Iron Man” Yaniv Hadad was brought to a hospital in the north, he was diagnosed as suffering from dehydration. Hadad wanted a second opinion and went to another hospital, which correctly determined that he had a life-threatening tear in his aorta. He was quickly transferred to Rambam, where he underwent immediate surgery to save his life.

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Inside one of Rambam's surgical suites. Photography: Rambam HCC

Laboratory Test Identifies Rare Disease and Saves Lives of Mother and Unborn Baby

7/26/2020 10:00 AM

A young woman in the final trimester of her pregnancy was recently treated at Rambam Health Care Campus for a rare illness that threatened her own life, as well as that of her unborn child. Both lives were saved over the course of just a few hours after a laboratory test identified the young woman's disease; surgery was rapidly performed to deliver the baby, who was in severe distress, and the mother was then successfully treated for her illness with an innovative, life-saving therapy.

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Ibrahim Sawa’d in the Wagner-Green Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Photography: Rambam HCC

Pediatric Burn Patient Brought Home for a Short Visit

7/16/2020 10:00 AM

Ibrahim Sawa’d suffered extensive burns over much of his body due to an oven fire in his home. After more than six difficult months of hospitalization that included 15 surgeries, doctors arranged a surprise visit home to see his family and friends.

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Rambam’s Green-Wagner Department of Emergency Medicine

Three Lives Saved Following Routine Medical Screening

7/9/2020 10:00 AM

Every day, dozens of patients come to the Periodic Examinations Institute at Rambam Health Care Campus, to undergo customized screening tests. For three individuals who arrived at the institute on the same day, the routine tests turned out to be a life-saving warning bell.

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Examining two Egyptian mummies at Rambam Health Care Campus. Photography: Rambam HCC.

Rambam Performs CT on Rare Egyptian Mummies from the National Maritime Museum Collection

7/5/2020 10:00 AM

An innovative joint project carried out by the National Maritime Museum and Rambam Health Care Campus resulted in two ancient Egyptian mummies being examined using CT scans to determine their content.

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The Tesler family with their newborn son at Rambam. Photography: Courtesy of the Tesler Family.

One Year After Giving Birth to Twins for Another Mother, Surrogate Gives Birth to Son

7/2/2020 10:00 AM

Chen Tesler, a religious woman from Northern Israel who pioneered surrogacy in the national religious sector by carrying twins to term for another family, gave birth to her own child one year later.

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Professor David Tanne (L) with Dr. Rachel Ben Hayoun (R). Photography: Rambam HCC

Rambam Advisory: Don’t Delay Stroke Treatment Due to COVID-19 Fears

6/29/2020 10:00 AM

Over the past few months, many people have avoided coming to the hospital due to concerns about COVID-19 – a phenomenon that has resulted in the absence of diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of life-threatening conditions such as cerebral stroke.

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Cara Ferrer Sokolovski treats a patient with acupuncture. Photography: Ziv Koren.

Rambam Offers Expanded Acupuncture Services to Women Giving Birth

6/25/2020 10:00 AM

Rambam Health Care Campus has extended its acupuncture services for women giving birth from two days each week to five. Due to growing demand from pregnant women, Rambam made the decision to expand this service by adding new staff members trained in traditional Chinese medicine.

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Swimmers from the 2019 Swim From The Heart event. Photography: RHCC.

Rambam Study Shows Familial Link Between Sudden Cardiac Death and Heart Conditions, Saving Dozens of Lives

6/21/2020 10:00 AM

Approximately 30 children and young adults who were treated at Rambam in recent years for sudden cardiac arrest led to the saving of dozens of lives of their close family members. As Rambam's fifth annual "Swim from the Heart" event draws near, promoting awareness of congenital and genetic heart diseases is more important than ever: Remember – testing and examination prevent death!

More details About Rambam Study Shows Familial Link Between Sudden Cardiac Death and Heart Conditions, Saving Dozens of Lives
Dr. Arcady Vachyan during the surgery. Photography: RHCC.

Rambam: Successful Laparoscopic Repair of a Baby’s Esophagus

6/18/2020 10:00 AM

Baby “D” was born with a rare birth defect in which her esophagus was split into two unconnected sections, preventing her from eating in a normal fashion. Recently, the pediatric surgical team at Rambam Health Care Campus successfully performed a complex surgical procedure on Baby D, and she is now able to eat and live a normal life.

More details About Rambam: Successful Laparoscopic Repair of a Baby’s Esophagus
The IVF Team at Rambam. Photography: RHCC.

New at Rambam: Have you Heard about the Fertility Bank?

6/14/2020 10:00 AM

In today’s world, women are in a position to become mothers at a time of their own choosing. Transforming biology into strategy, Rambam Health Care Campus has opened a new clinic that assists women in fulfilling their dreams of maternity.

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Dr. Rachel Ben Hayoun (l) and Professor David Tanne (r).  Photography: RHCC.

Rambam Experts: Social Distancing and Isolation have Severe Long-term Consequences for those Suffering from Dementia

6/11/2020 10:00 AM

While social distancing may be effective in preventing COVID-19, there are many negative effects that merit further investigation. Rambam’s experts speak out on the impact of social distancing and isolation on patients suffering from dementia.

More details About Rambam Experts: Social Distancing and Isolation have Severe Long-term Consequences for those Suffering from Dementia
Gelb Sakharov leads a Zoom session for patients in Rambam’s Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation Institute. Photography: RHCC.

Rambam Harnesses the Power of Zoom to Care for Cancer Patients

6/4/2020 10:00 AM

Zoom has recently been integrated into the arsenal of tools used by the Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation Institute at Rambam Health Care Campus, a leading center in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with malignant and non-malignant blood disorders.

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A Stress and Burnout Workshop hosted by Sagit Zeevi and Itay Levy. Photography: RHCC.

Rambam Employees Receive Tools for Coping with Pressure and Stress

5/31/2020 10:00 AM

Worldwide, ongoing work pressures place healthcare employees at high risk for burnout, and this is equally the case for Israeli healthcare professionals. Integral to the core values of Rambam Health Care Campus is providing employees with the tools they need to deal with the daily pressures of their work.

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