Established in 1938 under the British government, the hospital was transferred to the Israeli government in 1948 and renamed “Rambam” in 1952. But that is not the only fact about Rambam Health Care Campus.
- 6,085 employees; one of the largest employers in Northern Israel
- In 2021, 316,098 unique patients treated, 765,795 outpatient visits, and 4,563 births
- 65 inpatient departments, 39 medical institutes, 15 central laboratories
- 204 Rambam physicians are on the teaching staff of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology’s Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and the University of Haifa’s School of Nursing
- 579 new research projects instituted annually by over 275 physician-researchers, with 2,161 active resesarch projects
- Treating more trauma victims than any other hospital in Israel, Rambam’s percentage of trauma survivors is the highest in the nation
- Major medical research/device collaborations with Johns Hopkins University, Harvard University, GE, Insightec, Given Imaging, Biosense Webster, and more
- A partner in Haifa's digital health incubator MindUp, together with Pitango, IBM, and Medtronic
- Via the Teaching Center for Trauma, Emergency and Mass Casualty Situations (MCS), more than 3,000 medical professionals from 61 different countries have been trained to work under MCS and/or to establish an MCS system in their own nations