Christian Friends of Rambam

​Initiated in 2012 at the Christian Feast of Tabernacles Celebration in Jeruslam, Christian Friends of Rambam (CFR) provides unique information about Rambam and its strategic importance in Israel to the worldwide Christian community.

When originally established we provided PDF newsletters to those who were interested. Over the years all Rambam notifications of special news and needs became the same for both our Christian supporters and others from around the world. However, 4 years of newsletters remain available for you to enjoy. The information they contain, particularly surrounding our preparations for war, seem to have envisioned 2023 all too well. We also post news and prayer requests via our Christian Friends of Rambam Facebook page.

Rambam is proud to provide Christian groups with special tours of our hospital that provide a spiritual and Biblical perspective in addition to the hospital's role and importance for the nation of Israel. Our hospital is an amazing venue for Christian groups on pilgrimage to Israel. Not only will you gain a deeper meaning of what it means to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem," you will discover an oasis of peace where Jews, Christians, and Muslims help each other and listen to each other with a common goal of providing healthcare to all in need. Groups of any size are welcome: we know you will become prayer warriors and ambassadors of our hospital and for Israel. For more information about booking a tour of Rambam Health Care Campus during your pilgramage to Israel, contact: Deborah Hemstreet, Rambam's Christian Friends representative.

Over the years many Christian groups have visited Rambam and blessed us with musical concerts and more. We are thankful for each of you who come, share, and pray with us and for us. Among our guests have been the The Power Praise Band and The Master's Choir. You should have seen people's faces as they listened, and sometimes even sang along to the well performed inspirational and encouraging music. 

Learn more by enjoying some of the following resources:

  • Be Prepared: Read this brochure to find out why Rambam MUST be prepared for every eventuality, and its strategic importance for safety and security in Israel. A must read to guide your prayers and giving to Israel via Rambam Health Care Campus.
  • What is Christian Friends of Rambam? Watch this interview of a Rambam representatives on Daystar TV's Ask the Source segment of Israel Now News (October 5, 2013).
  • Enjoy this movie about our experience at the 2013 Feast of Tabernacles celebration in Jerusalem.​
  • Read archived issues (2012-2017) of the Christians Friends of Rambam Newsletter.

Christian friends worldwide have been visiting Rambam to see what is happening here for themselves. If you would like to get regular updates and prayer requests for Rambam and situations in Israel, visit our Facebook page. A unique perspective is provided on medical care, activities at Rambam, and particular issues in Israel, to help you find practical ways of praying for Israel. Please visit our page and Like us on Facebook!


Visit from CUFI (top); Irwin Baxter of Endtime
Ministries presents a donation. Inset, hand made
Teddy Bears for hospitalized children sent as a gift
from a Christian supporter of Israel and of Rambam.
Credit: Pioter Fliter and Ofer Golan.

For more information, contact:
Deborah Hemstreet, CFR Representative
Office of the Administration
Rambam Health Care Campus
P.O.B. 9602
Haifa 3109601

Telephone: +972-4-777-1285
Mobile: +972-50-206-1273
Fax: +972-4-777-2657