The Institutional Review Board (IRB) for big data research is responsible for the review and approval of research proposals that involve the use of large datasets.
The main goal of the committee is to ensure that the research is conducted ethically and that the anonymity, rights and welfare of human subjects are protected.
When it comes to big data research, in which patients do not provide informed consent, the committee is required to ensure that the data used in the study will be anonymized, to protect the privacy of the individuals whose data are being used.
Additionally, the committee assesses the risks and benefits of the research to make sure that appropriate measures are taken to protect data security and confidentiality.
Finally, the committee ensures that the research complies with the l relevant regulations and guidelines, including those related to data protection, privacy, and confidentiality.
Committee members include a physician who serves as the chairman, an additional physician, an expert in biostatistics, a representative of the hospital director and a public representative, a lawyer, or a Rabi.