Spanish Friends of Rambam

The Spanish Friends of Rambam is a national no​nprofit organization in Spain with the goal of supporting programs and projects carried out by Rambam Health Care Campus, and much more.​

The Spanish Friends of Rambam (Amigos del hospital Rambam) has three primary objectives:

1. To support of programs and projects carried out by Rambam Health Care Campus.
2. Promotion of the exchange of ​information and experiences between health professionals at Rambam and their Spanish counterparts.
3. Communication to the Spanish population about Rambam's activities, and to support intercultural dialog between the Spanish people and Rambam.

Board of Directors

Robert Stern, President​
Manuel Jambrina Hernández Vice President
Mercedes Navares Calvo, Secretary​
​Samuel Jambrina Sánchez, Treasurer
​Viorica Stern
​León Bendayan
​Isabel Sánchez-Martin

For more information please contact:

Dr. Robert Stern, President
Amigos del hospital Rambam
Apartado de Correos 672
29620 Torremolinos / Malaga

Telephone: +34 (609) 580-268
Fax: +34 (952) 575-174
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site: