British Friends of Rambam

The British Friends of Rambam was established in 1993 to help raise funds for medical equipment, research, and improvements to the hospital. All equipment is purchased from invoices and the charity's expenses are kept to an absolute minimum.​​​​​​​​​

British Friends of ​Rambam is a Registered Charity: Reg. Ch. No. 10280601.

Board of Directors

Anita Aexander-Passe, Director
Gabriella Alexander-Passe ​Hon. Treasurer
Samantha Louise Rose

​For secured on-line donations, please click here.

Please make cheques payable to: British Friends of Rambam Medical Centre

Mailing Address

Anita Alexander-Passe, Director
British Friends of Rambam Medical Centre
1 Opal Court, 120 Regents Park Road
London N3 3HY
United Kingdom

Telephone: 208-371-1500

Fax: 208-271-1051

Email: [email protected] 
            [email protected]
