The Fishman Family

Rambam Health Care Campus
Publication Date:
The Fishman FamilyThe Fishman Family

The Rambam Award for the year 2011 is granted to the Fishman Family in honor of their father, the late Joseph Fishman of blessed memory. Born in the Ukraine, he spent his early years in a concentration camp. When World War II ended, he made his way to a British detention camp in Cyprus from where he eventually immigrated to Israel. He rebuilt his life with his wonderful family and was able to start a successful business.
Joseph Fishman endured the most difficult challenges with inner strength, courage, and a vision for the future which has found expression in his magnanimous philanthropic efforts.

His dedication to Rambam Health Care Campus enabled the founding of the state-of-the-art Joseph Fishman Oncology Center. We shall always be grateful for Joseph Fishman's financial and personal involvement with Rambam, and for the enduring connection to this institution of the entire family: Mrs. Ilanit Cohen, Mrs. Aliza Weisz, Mr. Moti Fishman, Mrs. Michal Nin-Nun, and Mrs. Sigal Shpigler.

The eight-level Joseph Fishman Oncology Center will provide Rambam with the tools needed to care for the many individuals afflicted with cancer, so very pertinent to fulfilling the special mission of Rambam Health Care Campus to develop the medical infrastructure of northern Israel and promote the values that place the patient at the center of medical practice. We are indebted to the Fishman Family for its enduring support of our vision.

On the basis of all the aforementioned, the Nomination Committee has found the Fishman Family eligible for the 2011 Rambam Award.


Prof. Rafi Beyar
Rambam Health Care Campus

Prof. Karl Skorecki
Director of Medical Research & Development
Rambam Health Care Campus

Prof. Yehuda Hayuth
Friends of Rambam
Medical Center, Israel