Mr. Harvey Krueger

Rambam Health Care Campus
Publication Date:
Mr. Harvey KruegerMr. Harvey Krueger

The Rambam Award for the year 2011 is granted to Mr. Harvey Krueger, Vice President of American Friends of Rambam Medical Center, for his managerial, financial, and investment prowess dedicated to the State of Israel by founding the Renaissance Fund and opening the country's companies to international markets, and for his steadfast commitment to universities in Israel and the U.S.A. through philanthropy and management manifested in his magnanimous donations and extraordinary service on university governing and advisory boards, including our own Tel Aviv University and Hebrew University.

Ever a great friend of Israel, we recognize his prodigious civic involvement as past chairman of the Peres Center for Peace. With special gratitude, we honor him for his efforts on behalf of our hospital, for his devoted service to Rambam Health Care Campus as Vice President of American Friends of Rambam Medical Center, and for glorifying the reputation of our hospital in the U.S.A.

On the basis of all the aforementioned, the Nomination Committee has found Mr. Harvey Kreuger eligible for the 2011 Rambam Award.​


Prof. Rafi Beyar
Rambam Health Care Campus

Prof. Karl Skorecki
Director of Medical Research & Development
Rambam Health Care Campus

Prof. Yehuda Hayuth
Friends of Rambam
Medical Center, Israel