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Rambam MedTech Ltd. Facilitates Several Medical Research and Innovation Projects

Publication Date: 7/18/2021 10:30 AM

The activities of Rambam MedTech Ltd. have advanced a number of significant medical research and development initiatives conceived by Rambam physician-scientists over the past few months.

The people involved with Rambam MedTech Ltd. (see text for details). Photography courtesy of RHCC.The people involved with Rambam MedTech Ltd. (see text for details). Photography courtesy of RHCC.

Patient-driven research and innovation are of vital importance at Rambam Health Care Campus. To enable the transformation of innovative ideas into leading products on the global level, Rambam established Rambam MedTech – the hospital’s technology transfer company. Rambam MedTech is authorized by the Israeli government to handle innovation and intellectual property developed by the hospital’s physician-scientists, guiding them through the process from concept to marketplace.

Below are just a few of the projects conceived at Rambam and facilitated by Rambam MedTech – projects that hold out promise to impact medicine on the local, national, and international levels.

Ongoing Israel MedicUp Investments to Develop Innovative Technologies

A new collaborative agreement was recently signed with Israel MedicUp, a biotechnology company that has already invested in several medical device technologies at Rambam. Rambam MedTech is leading the investment and technology development for these projects.

In addition to two projects that were already launched and commercialized at the end of 2020, two more technologies have been recently licensed to Israel MedicUp under the cooperative agreement:

  • Technology developed by Dr. Ilana Schlesinger (Neurology) and Dr. Alon Sinai (Neurosurgery) for innovative treatment using focused ultrasound (FUS).
  • Technology developed by Dr. Yair Peled and Dr. Arthur Kerner for a device to cut the leaflet of a heart valve during a transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) procedure.

Investment in Limaca Medical for a More Accurate Biopsy Acquisition Device

The start-up, Limaca Medical, is developing a new device invented at Rambam and the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology by Dr. Iyad Khamaysi. The device facilitates ultrasound-guided endoscopic biopsy for improved quantity and quality of biopsy tissue samples. The automated needle developed by the company is ten times more efficient than a standard manual needle, enabling faster and more accurate diagnoses. The company is part of the Trendlines incubator, and recently raised an additional $ 1.25 million. Clinical trials will begin shortly.

Rambam Patents Registered in the Past Year

  • Peptide that Increases Tissue Activity for the Treatment of Blood in Trauma and Hemophilia – Professor Yona Nadir
  • Automated Clinical Communication Using Artificial Intelligence – Dr. Yaki Cohen, Patan Awad, Professor Yossi Keshet, Talia Ben Simon, Felix Crook (shared by Rambam and Bar Ilan University)
  • Device for Transferring a Suture in Tissue at Controlled Depth – Dr. Yonina Ron, Dr. Roy Sandowski
  • Method for Determining Patient Suitability for Anti-TNF Alpha Therapy - Professor Yehuda Chowers, Dr. Shiran Weinberg, Alexandra Blatt, Professor Shai Shen-Or, Naama Maimon, Alina Stroviski (shared by Rambam and the Technion)

Cooperative Agreement Signed with Elbit

A cooperative agreement was signed for the development of an EX-TEAMS system for a communication and control center for medical teams during operations.

Led by Dr. Oren Caspi, Dr. Nati Horowitz, and Sara Tzafrir, Rambam will receive royalties from future sales of the system.

Collaborations with Medical Technology Development Companies

A collaborative work agreement was signed between Rambam doctors and the R&D staff of Shizim and Tag Medical to find unmet needs encountered by doctors when treating a variety of patient conditions (such as orthopedics), and to subsequently develop joint solutions for those needs.

In the featured photo: Top Left) Dr. Iyad Khamaysi; Top Right) Dr. Alon Sinai (L) with Dr. Ilana Schlesinger (middle); Bottom Left) Dr. Roee Atlas (Far R), Prof. Rafi Beyar (R), Dr. Michael Halberthal (Middle) sign agreement with Shizim representatives (L); Bottom Right) Dr. Michael Halberthal (L) and Dr. Roee Atlas (R) signing an agreement with Elbit representatives (middle).