Allied Health Professions & Services
Allied Health Professions & Services
The Allied Health Division encompasses departments and units that provide supplementary medical services. At Rambam, these include all the units that support the clinical medical system: the Social Work Department, the Physical Therapy Unit, the Clinical Nutrition Unit, the Occupational Therapy Unit, and the Psychology Services.
These units assist and support the clinical activities of the physicians and nurses, and provide treatment approaches that are essential for the recovery of patients and their return to society. Some of these units provide services outside of Rambam, including the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the Ministry of Defense and various health maintenance organizations (HMOs).
In addition to the treatments provided in their fields, these units are also involved in teaching and training within and outside of the hospital. Some units conduct clinical research in collaboration with the medical departments and with biotechnology companies. The results of these studies are presented in national and international conferences.
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