Occupational Health Institute

Dr. Marc Levy

Phone number of Dr. Marc Levy04-7773067

Dr. Levy is a graduate of the Louis Pasteur School of Medicine in Strasbourg, France, and of the residency program in internal and occupational medicine at Rambam Medical Center.
He works in the Occupational and Environmental Medicine Institute at Rambam and is Director of the Health Care Worker's and Occupational Medicine Unit.

Dr Levy has established the first clinic in Israel that provides full occupational treatment for health care workers, and he is also chairman of Rambam's safety committee. The unit's outreach work is mainly focused on the pharmaceutical and metallurgical industries.
Dr Levy is member of the central board of the Israeli Medical Association, of the national ethics committee of this organization and of the national board of the governmental medical organizations.
List of publications
on PubMed