Doctor Contact informationProfessor Hadar ZigdonBiosketch For Professor Hadar Zigdon E-Mail Address Professor Hadar ZigdonE-Mail AddressPhone number of Professor Hadar Zigdon04-7772983Professor Hadar ZigdonPrincipal Investigator, Zigdon Lab, CRIRDirector, Department of Periodontology and Implant DentistryDirector, Department of Periodontology and Implant DentistryCRIR MemberHadar Zigdon-Giladi (D.M.D., Ph.D) is a periodontal surgeon and researcher in the field of bone regeneration, and the Deputy Director, in the Department of Periodontology at Rambam Health Care Campus. She is also a clinical instructor in the Department of Periodontology, Head of the Laboratory for Bone Repair in the School of Graduate Dentistry at Rambam, and a member of the Clinical Research Inst...
Students and Other Team Members Ofri Doppelt Flikshtain , MSc. Tal Berg, DMD Ofir Ginesin, DMD, MSc Thabet Asbi ,DMD