Opening address for the 2019 Rambam Summit Gala Evening
Professor Rafi Beyar - President of the Rambam International Friends Associations; Eitan and Ariella Wertheimer; Mr. Sari Greidinger, Chairman of the Israeli Friends of Rambam; Mrs. Meri Barer, President of American Friends of Rambam; Mr. Adam Emerich – the former president of American Friends of Rambam; Esteemed recipients of the 2019 Rambam Award; Professor Lloyd Minor, Dean of the Stanford University School of Medicine; Mr. Albert Frank and your beloved wife Patricia, Mr. Jacob Harpaz, the CEO of ISCAR; Professor Karl Skorecki, Dean of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine of Bar-Ilan University; and the extended family and friends of Rambam:
It is my honor to open the 2019 Rambam Summit and welcome you all, in my role as the newly appointed general director of Rambam Health Care Campus. I often wonder about the twists and turns of life – how they affect both our personal master plan and provide us with insight.
After nearly 33 years at Rambam, I am experiencing a defining event – the honor and challenge to lead Rambam Health Care Campus. I’m proud to be the first that performed all of my training here. I was shaped and educated by some of the best of the hospital staff and I thank them all for that.