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Rambam Miracle Birth

הקריה הרפואית רמב'ם
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After an unsuccessful surrogacy attempt and multiple rounds of fertility treatments, a miracle happened – without medical intervention, Einav and Lior Eliyahu became parents at Rambam Health Care Campus

The Eliyahu Family after the birth of their son. Photography: Courtesy of the Eliyahu family.

The Eliyahu Family after the birth of their son. Photography: Courtesy of the Eliyahu family.

Einav and Lior Eliyahu were marvelously surprised when they discovered that they had become pregnant naturally, just before another round of fertility treatments was due to commence and after an unsuccessful attempt at surrogacy in Ukraine.

For the Eliyahu's getting pregnant had been problematic from the very beginning. Forty-year-old Einav, from Kfar Hasidim, a small community on the outskirts of Haifa, and her husband had almost given up hope. She had endometriosis, an abnormal uterine-cell condition. Her age also affected her chances of conceiving. Doctors were sure Einav would never conceive, as multiple and varying attempts to get pregnant had proven fruitless.

Days before the couple was due to commence another round of fertility treatment, they discovered that Einav was pregnant – a miracle had taken place – Einav was in her 5th week of pregnancy.

It was a high-risk pregnancy, so she was admitted to Rambam's Obstetrics and Gynecology Division to manage and monitor the pregnancy. Einav spent four months at Rambam HCC, under strict medical supervision. After 25 tense weeks, just a couple of weeks ago, the long-awaited event happened —Einav gave birth, and the couple finally became the parents of a sweet little boy. As he was premature, the baby boy will stay at Rambam HCC until he is ready to go home.

The happy and grateful couple had this to say: "Our son is here thanks to the angels who work at Rambam HCC. The hospital has become our home, and the staff – is our family. We cannot thank everyone enough for what they have done for us—each staff member was sensitive, supportive, and by our side at each crisis and, of course, at the joyful occasion of the birth."