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Israel Defense Force Soldiers Brought to Rambam for Emergency Treatment

הקריה הרפואית רמב'ם
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On Monday, June 19, Israel's security forces were involved in clashes with Palestinian militants in the West Bank town of Jenin. Seven soldiers from Israel's elite paratroop brigade, the border police, and a dog handler from the Oketz (Sting) canine unit were wounded.

Dago resting at Rambam Health Care Campus. Photography:Rambam HCCDago resting at Rambam Health Care Campus. Photography:Rambam HCC

Seven Israel Defense Force (IDF) soldiers were wounded after an incident in Jenin on Monday, June 21. Explosive devices had damaged an IDF armored vehicle. Five soldiers were airlifted to Rambam Health Care Campus (Rambam), Haifa, Israel, for treatment. Dago, a dog from the Sting Unit, was also airlifted and brought to Rambam.

IDF Soldiers being brougt to Rambam's ER

Soon after their arrival, Professor Miki Halberthal, Rambam's director general, confirmed that the five soldiers had been brought to the Green-Wagner Department of Emergency Medicine at Rambam with minor to moderate injuries. “None of the injuries sustained by the soldiers were life-threatening. they were mostly on their lower limbs and the soldiers were fully conscious. Two required emergency surgery and the other three were admitted for treatment in appropriate medical departments at Rambam,” he said.

In the meantime, the medical team attending the wounded soldiers noticed that their dog, Dago seemed to be suffering. A veterinarian from the Sting Unit, was brought in. Tests revealed that the dog had internal bleeding and a small fracture in the pelvis. ‘Bed-rest’ was prescribed.

Dago resting

Later in the day, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai visited the wounded at Rambam.

Tuesday morning, Professor Halberthal said, “I am happy to report that the dog handler and Dago have been discharged. The four other soldiers are still receiving treatment at Rambam.”