In a warm gesture, Rambam Health Care Campus (Rambam) in Haifa, Israel, supports a local rescue center’s abused and abandoned dogs.
Yuval Mendelovitz with some of his dogs being kept warm by the blankets gifted by Rambam. Photography: Rambam HCC.
Dog whisperer Yuval Mendelovitz’s mission is to save traumatized dogs, and he does so at a rescue center he established on his farm near the village of Peki’in in the Western Galilee. With the support of the Galila foundation, Mendelovitz saves our four-legged friends who have been mistreated, abused, or abandoned by their owners. Some dogs have even been trained for dog fighting. Mendelovitz tries to find new, warm, loving homes for them, but for some, he cannot, and they remain at the rescue center.
However, Mendelovitz’s resources are limited, even with the help of the Galila foundation. Einat Peretz, head nurse at the Internal Medicine Division at Rambam, heard about the dogs from rescue center volunteer Galit Cohen. The dogs needed warm blankets to get them through the winter. Peretz turned to the hospital’s linen services for help. Boxes of old woolen blankets, destined to be destroyed, were sent to the center.
On hearing about the dog’s plight, Peretz said, “These blankets are old and no longer being used. Their new purpose is heartwarming. With the help of one simple recycled blanket we have contributed to the community and are keeping these wonderful animals warm.”
Whether it be a violin for a Ukrainian pediatric patient, blankets for a man’s best friend, or performing life-saving surgeries in third-world countries, Rambam staff are involved in multiple voluntary projects, and we thank them for their selfless commitment.