News and Events

Unveiling of Artwork in the Joseph Fishman Oncology Center

הקריה הרפואית רמב'ם
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On December 25, a very special ceremony was held to honor a special friend of Rambam.

(L-R) Mrs. Gila Hyams, Dr. Miki Halberthal, Professor Irit Ben Aharon, Dr. Esty Golan, Professor Rafi Beyar, and Ms. Ariela Wertheimer(L-R) Mrs. Gila Hyams, Dr. Miki Halberthal, Professor Irit Ben Aharon, Dr. Esty Golan, Professor Rafi Beyar, and Ms. Ariela Wertheimer

Six of artist Ariela Wertheimer’s works of art, were unveiled in the Joseph Fishman Oncology Center at Rambam Health Care Campus. Ariela has volunteered in the Radiotherapy Department for fourteen years. The ceremony, held on December 25, was an opportunity for the hospital’s director, Professor Rafi Beyar, and Dr. Esty Golam, the  managing director of International Relations to express their appreciation for Ariela's friendship, for all of those years of volunteering and the long-term support of the Wertheimer family.

The beautiful works of art, part of Ariela’s Odyssey Exhibit, are mounted on the wall in the lobby of Joseph Fishman Oncology Center. They measure 1.5m x 1.8m and comprise a variety of techniques including photography, acrylic paint and textile.

The art works in the new oncology center tell the story of humanity and philanthropy. They fill the entranceway with their colorful splendor, enabling art and daily life to combine in one location.
Attending the ceremony were: Professor Rafi Beyar Dr. Esty Golan, Dr Michael Halberthal, Dr Avi Weissman, Mrs. Gila Hyams, Professor Irit Ben Aharon, hospital staff, and Ariela's guests.

Ariela will continue to exhibit her works of art around the world but this venture will allow her to have a permanent presence in Rambam Health Care Campus, a fitting tribute to her link with the hospital.

Enjoy this video of the ceremony (Hebrew).