Teaching Center for Stroke Across the Continuum of Care


Teaching Center for Stroke Across the Continuum of Care

Stroke is the leading cause of adult long-term neurological disability and accounts for ~ 5% of all disability-adjusted life-years and 10% of all deaths worldwide, with the bulk of this burden occurring in low-income and middle-income countries. It is the second largest cause of death worldwide, with a global lifetime risk of stroke is 25% among both men and women.

Stroke has been identified as one of the priority areas for WHO and the UN in their actions to reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases. The past decade has seen extraordinary advances in the acute management and prevention of stroke, providing an excellent opportunity for establishing systems of care aimed at reducing the burden of stroke and its enormous financial and societal costs. A critical component to reducing related costs is provision of exemplary training to medical staff in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of stroke.

The Teaching Center for Stroke at Rambam Health Care Campus was established in response to these statistics to provide a solution across the continuum of care. Rambam is the only referral center for all of Northern Israel, serving more than two million potential patients. Performing more endovascular stroke procedures than any other center in Israel, Rambam’s stroke specialists are using artificial intelligence (AI) to facilitate rapid and synchronized stroke care.

Education and Training Opportunities

The Teaching Center offers educational programs aimed at all medical professionals involved in the organization and treatment of stroke across the continuum of care: pre-hospital and hospital staff including physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, and administrators, as well as staff involved in the post-acute continuum for care and stroke prevention.

Training programs are tailored to the needs of each organization and for establishing systems of stroke care. Courses are offered both in Israel and abroad by the leading staff of Rambam, of which many are international stroke experts.

Course offerings include:

  • Stroke Across the Continuum of Care Management
  • Endovascular Acute Ischemic Stroke management from A to Z
  • Stroke Across the Continuum of Care for Nurses
  • Stroke Coordinator Training
  • Stroke Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

לאתר בעברית: מרכז ההכשרה הישראלי ללימודי אירוע מוחי

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Центр обучения и повышения квалификации по предотвращению, ведению и лечению инсультов

Teaching Center Administrative Team

Doctor Contact informationProfessor David Tanne

Phone number of Professor David Tanne04-7773190

Professor David Tanne

  • Director, Stroke and Cognition Institute
  • Director, Stroke and Cognition Institute
  • Director, Stroke and Cognition Institute
  • Director, Stroke and Cognition Institute
  • Director, Stroke and Cognition Institute
  • Director, Stroke and Cognition Institute
  • Director, Stroke and Cognition Institute
  • Director, Stroke and Cognition Institute
  • Director, Stroke and Cognition Institute
  • Director, Stroke and Cognition Institute
  • Director, The Teaching Center for Stroke
National Advisory Board
Professor Natan M. Bornstein

Professor Natan M. Bornstein

Director of the Brain Division, Shaare-Zedek Medical Center; President, The Israeli Stroke Society

Porfessor Bornstein was the Head of Stroke Unit at the Tel-Aviv Medical Center from 1989-2016, Chairman of the ESNCH (2013-2017), Chairman of the Israeli Neurological Association (2008-2017), Vice President of the World Stroke Organization (WSO) (2008-2018), Chairman of Neurology Department, Tel-Aviv Medical Center (2002-2007) and Consulting Editor of Stroke.

Professor Eitan Auriel

Professor Eitan Auriel

Director, Department of Neurology, Rabin Medical Center - Beilinson; Secretary, The Israeli Neurological Association

Limor Eisenberg, RN, MHA

Limor Eisenberg, RN, MHA

Director, Depatment of Professional Guidance, Expert Nurse in Nursing Policy and Administration, Israel Ministry of Health


Gila Hyams, RN, MA

Gila Hyams, RN, MA

Director of Nursing and Coordinator Nurse, Trauma and Emergency Center, Rambam Health Care Campus; Center Director, The Teaching Center for Trauma, Emergency and Mass Casualty Situations (MCS) at Rambam

Mrs. Hyams has coordinated fifteen international courses on developing and organizing a trauma system and mass casualty situation (MCS) organization. In addition, she has organized and led workshops and courses to advance development of local emergency and trauma systems in Italy, Malta, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Portugal, Latvia, Estonia, Croatia, Puerto Rico, U.S.A., Chile, India, and Thailand.

More details About Gila Hyams, RN, MA
Pnina Rosenzweig

Pnina Rosenzweig

CEO at Neeman, Stroke Survivors Organization

Dr. Refael Strugo

Dr. Refael Strugo

Chief Medical Officer, Magen David Adom

Dr. Strugo received his M.D degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Hadassa med. School), completed his internship in Internal Medicine at Sheba medical center. He completed his training as an Emergency Physician. Dr. Strugo served as the chief physician in the Prime-Minister office and joined Magen David Adom (the national Israeli EMS) – first as the headmaster of the Paramedic School and later-on as the Medical Director of MDA – a position he still holds today.

Dr. Inbar Zucker

Dr. Inbar Zucker

Director, Stroke and Cardiovascular Diseases, Israel Disease Control Center

Shirly Luz, PhD, RN

Shirly Luz, PhD, RN

Director, Post Basic Education and Curriculum, Nursing Division, Israel Ministry of Health

Shirly Luz holds a PhD degree from the Faculty of Nursing at Haifa University about Nurse Champions of Innovation and holds a Specialist Nurse degree in nursing policy and administration. Previously worked in the nursing management of Sheba medical center. For the past three years, she has been the director of post basic education and curriculum in the Nursing Division, Ministry of Health.

Board Observers
Sigal Liverant-Taub, M.D., M.H.A.

Sigal Liverant-Taub, M.D., M.H.A.

Director, Division of General Medicine, Medical Directorate, Israel Ministry of Health

As a general surgeon and the Director of General Medicine in the Israeli Ministry of Health I'm responsible for all policy and regulation of all general hospitals in Israel.

My responsibilities include initiation and heading of numerous national programs, including an incentive program for neo-natal units; The national program for prevention and treatment of acute stroke; The national program for prevention of hospital-acquired infections

More details About Sigal Liverant-Taub, M.D., M.H.A.

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