Selected Publications

  1. Shahaf, G., & Marom, S. (2001). Learning in networks of cortical neurons. Journal of Neuroscience, 21(22),8782-8788.  []
  2. Marom, S., & Shahaf, G. (2002). Development, learning and memory in large random networks of cortical neurons: lessons beyond anatomy. Quarterly reviews of biophysics, 35(1), 63-87. [
  3. Shahaf, G., Eytan, D., Gal, A., Kermany, E., Lyakhov, V., Zrenner, C., & Marom, S. (2008). Order-based representation in random networks of cortical neurons. PLoS computational biology, 4(11), e1000228. []
  4. Shahaf, G., Reches, A., Pinchuk, N., Fisher, T., Bashat, G. B., Kanter, A., ... & Pratt, H. (2012). Introducing a novel approach of network oriented analysis of ERPs, demonstrated on adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Clinical Neurophysiology, 123(8), 1568-1580. []
  5. Shahaf, G., & Pratt, H. (2013). Thorough specification of the neurophysiologic processes underlying behavior and of their manifestation in EEG–demonstration with the go/no-go task. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 7, 305. []
  6. Shahaf, G., Fisher, T., Aharon-Peretz, J., & Pratt, H. (2015). Comprehensive analysis suggests simple processes underlying EEG/ERP–demonstration with the go/no-go paradigm in ADHD. Journal of neuroscience methods, 239, 183-193. []
  7. Shahaf, G. (2016). a possible Common neurophysiologic Basis for MDD, Bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia: Lessons from electrophysiology. Frontiers in psychiatry, 7, 94. []
  8. Shahaf, G. (2016). Migraine as dysfunctional drive reduction: insight from electrophysiology. Medical hypotheses, 91, 62-66. []
  9. Shahaf, D. B., Shahaf, G., Mehta, J., & Venkatraghavan, L. (2016). Intracarotid etomidate decreases the interhemispheric synchronization in electroencephalogram (EEG) during the Wada test. Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology, 28(4), 341-346. []
  10. Shahaf, G., Yariv, S., Bloch, B., Nitzan, U., Segev, A., Reshef, A., & Bloch, Y. (2017). A pilot study of possible easy-to-use electrophysiological index for early detection of antidepressive treatment non-response. Frontiers in psychiatry, 8, 128. []
  11. Bartur, G., Joubran, K., Peleg-Shani, S., Vatine, J. J., & Shahaf, G. (2017). An EEG tool for monitoring patient engagement during stroke rehabilitation: a feasibility study. BioMed research international, 2017. []
  12. Shahaf, G., Nitzan, U., Erez, G., Mendelovic, S., & Bloch, Y. (2018). Monitoring Attention in ADHD with an Easy-to-Use Electrophysiological Index. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 12, 32. []
  13. Isserles, M., Daskalakis, Z. J., George, M. S., Blumberger, D. M., Sackeim, H. A., & Shahaf, G. (2018). Simple Electroencephalographic Treatment-Emergent Marker Can Predict Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Antidepressant Response—A Feasibility Study. The journal of ECT, 34(4), 274-282. []
  14. Shahaf, G., Kuperman, P., Bloch, Y., Yariv, S., & Granovsky, Y. (2018). Monitoring Migraine Cycle Dynamics with an Easy-to-Use Electrophysiological Marker—A Pilot Study. Sensors, 18(11), 3918. []
  15.  Shahaf, G. (2019). Neuropsychiatric Disorders as Erratic Attention Regulation–Lessons from Electrophysiology. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1-9. []
  16. Bartur, G., Joubran, K., Peleg-Shani, S., Vatine, J. J., & Shahaf, G. (2020). A pilot study on the electrophysiological monitoring of patient’s engagement in post-stroke physical rehabilitation. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 15(4), 471-479. []
  17. Baron Shahaf, D., Hare, G.M.T.,. ,…, Shahaf, G. (2019). A New Index of Coordinated Posterior and Anterior Evoked EEG to Detect Recall Under Sedation – A Pilot Study. Scientific Reports, 9, 17859. []
  18. Baron Shahaf, D., Hare, G. M., & Shahaf, G. (2020). The Effects of Anesthetics on the Cortex—Lessons From Event-Related Potentials. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience14, 2. []
  19.  Karpin, H., Misha, T., Herling, N. T., Bartur, G., & Shahaf, G. (2020). Bedside patient engagement monitor for rehabilitation in disorders of consciousness–demonstrative case-reports. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 1-10. []
  20. Gvion, A., Stark, R., Bartur, G., & Shahaf, G. (2020). Behavioural and electrophysiological evaluation of the impact of different cue types upon individuals with acquired anomia. Aphasiology, 1-25. []
  21. Gvion, A., & Shahaf, G. (2021). Real-time monitoring of barriers to patient engagement for improved rehabilitation: a protocol and representative case reports. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 1-13. []
  22.  Shahaf, G. (2021). A Theoretical Comprehensive Framework for the Process of Theories Formation. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2021. []
  23. Baron Shahaf, D., Weissman, A., Priven, L., Shahaf, G. (2022). Identifying recall under sedation by a novel EEG based index of attention - a pilot study. Frontiers in Medicine, 9, 880384. []
  24. Vasquez, B. P., Lloyd-Kuzik, A., Santiago, A. T., Shahaf, G., & Lass, J. W. (2023). Attentional Engagement During Mobile Application Skill Learning Among Patients With Memory Impairment: A Case Series Exploration. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77(1), 7701205100. []
  25. Shahaf, D. B., Hight, D., Kaiser, H., & Shahaf, G. (2023). Association Between Risk of Stroke and Delirium After Cardiac Surgery and a New Electroencephalogram Index of Interhemispheric Similarity. Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia. []
  26. Shahaf, D. B., Abergel, E., Hoffmann, R. S., Meirovitch, E., Konstadt, S., Feierman, D. E., ... & Shahaf, G. (2024). Evaluating a novel EEG-based index for stroke detection under anesthesia during mechanical thrombectomy. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology, 36(1), 60-68. []