Dr. Donna E. Shalala

Rambam Health Care Campus
Publication Date:
Dr. Donna E. ShalalaDr. Donna E. Shalala

The Rambam Award for the year 2011 is granted to Dr. Donna E. Shalala in recognition of her distinguished career as a civil servant, serving for more than thirty years as an educator, scholar, health administrator and, since 2001, President of the University of Miami.
Dr. Shalala's significant involvement in health care spans many years. During the Clinton administration, Dr. Shalala served as U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services and made health insurance available to millions of children and adolescents.

Immunization rates were at the highest level in U.S. history. In 2007, President George W. Bush nominated Dr. Shalala to co-chair the Commission on Care for Returning Wounded Warriors. In June 2008, Dr. Shalala was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, her country's most prestigious civilian award.

As President of the University of Miami, Dr. Shalala has worked to promote health services in Haiti and was awarded the Nelson Mandela Award in 2010 for her commitment to ending apartheid and developing democracy in South Africa.

By virtue of Dr. Shalala's position as President of the University of Miami, she imparts to future generations the importance of service to mankind.

On the basis of all the aforementioned, the Nomination Committee has found Dr. Donna E. Shalala eligible for the 2011 Rambam Award.


Prof. Rafi Beyar
Rambam Health Care Campus

Prof. Karl Skorecki
Director of Medical Research & Development
Rambam Health Care Campus

Prof. Yehuda Hayuth
Friends of Rambam
Medical Center, Israel