Neural Basis of Anesthesia Laboratory

Dr. Aeyal Raz

Phone number of Dr. Aeyal Raz04-7772487

Dr. Aeyal Raz is Chair of the Department of Anesthesiology at Rambam Health Care Campus.

Dr. Raz completed his medical studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, where he also earned a PhD in neurobiology, both in 2001. Following an internship at the Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, he started his residency in the Department of Anesthesiology at Beilinson Hospital. During his residency he was awarded the prize for outstanding resident, received a top grade in the national step A board exams, and served as a chief resident. Following his graduation, he remained in the same department as a faculty anesthesiologist, and went on to become director of the residency program, where he was involved in teaching residents and medical students. In 2011, Dr. Raz began a research sabbatical at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, where he later joined the neuroanesthesia team, dividing his time between clinical work and neuroscience research.

In 2016 Dr. Raz returned to Israel, and joined the Department of Anesthesiology at Rambam Health Care Campus. He divides his time between clinical duties and his new research laboratory, investigating the effects of anesthetic drugs on the brain - The Neural Basis of Anesthesia Laboratory
  • Research area: Stem Cells, Anesthesia
  • Key Word: Anesthesia, Thalamo-cortical, Brain slice, Consciousness, Isoflurane, Ketamine, Etomidate, Propofol, CA imaging, Electrophysiology, Patch-clamp, Awareness under anesthesia
  • Category: Translational Research
List of publications
on PubMed