Teaching Center for Trauma, Emergency and MCS

Banner Trauma School

Teaching Center for Trauma, Emergency and Mass Casualty Situations (MCS)

The State of Israel is one of the few countries that have had over 60 years to prepare its health care system to deal with a variety of mass casualty situations.

A Mass Casualty Situation is an event that requires the hospital to treat a number of injured people beyond its capability to absorb and treat. A Mass Casualty Situation can be a result of a natural disaster or a manmade disaster. Rambam’s experience has dramatically contributed to the body of knowledge related to trauma, emergency, and mass casualty situations. This has been translated into lifesaving results—Rambam’s mortality rate for severe trauma patients is the lowest in the country.

The Teaching Center for Trauma, Emergency, and Mass Casualty Situations (MCS) was established in 1999 with the goal of sharing Rambam’s accumulated knowledge with other health care professionals in Israel and worldwide—to save lives.

The new millennium began with a reminder that terrorist attacks and mass casualty situations can occur anywhere—no one is immune. Recent years have seen terror, natural disasters, and mass casualty events affecting countries

worldwide. Thousands of people have been killed and injured. Such events are no longer a question of ‘if’ but of ‘when.’

Rambam Health Care Campus fulfills a unique role in Northern Israel as the largest academic tertiary referral center in the region and its only Level 1 Trauma center.

The Teaching Center for Trauma, Emergency and MCS offers an educational program aimed at all professionals who are involved in the organization and treatment of mass casualty incidents: pre-hospital forces, hospital staff, physicians, nurses, and administrators. Training programs are tailored to the needs of each organization.Thousands Trainees have gained practical knowledge that is brought back and implemented in their own institutions and nations​.

Our educational programs are aimed at all who are involved in the organization and treatment of mass casualty incidents: pre-hospital forces, hospital staff, physicians, nurses and administrators. All educational programs can be tailored to the needs of each hospital, district, and group.


Teaching Center Members

Educational Activities

Educational Activities

​Our educational activities are directed towards all who are involved in the organization and treatment of mass casualty incidents: pre-hospital forces, hospital staff, physicians, nurses and administrators.

We offer a variety of international and local programs, in addition to NATO-sponsored workshops.

All programs can be tailored to the needs of each hospital, district, or group. Workshops can also be provided in host countries.

Educational Activities

Core Training Core Training

The Developing and Organizing a Trauma System and Mass Casualty Management course is offered to local and international participants.

​This course is targeted towards physicians, nurses, and paramedics involved in the organization and treatment of trauma victims. The course includes visits to other Israeli trauma units, pre-hospital facilities, an IDF Medical Corps facility, and includes a mass casualty table top drill.

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