Professor Tony Hayek

Professor Tony Hayek

Phone number of Professor Tony Hayek04-7772059

Prof. Tony Hayek graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and completed his residency in Internal Medicine at Rambam Medical Center. During his residency, he conducted research for two years at Rockefeller University in New York. In 1999, Prof. Hayek was appointed Head of the Emergency Room and Internal Medicine "E" Department, and since then he has served as the Acting Head of the Department of Internal Medicine "E". Today, Professor Hayek is leading his department to designation as a CPU (Chest Pain Unit) – the first of its kind in the country. Such a unit is distinguished by the fast and comprehensive cardiac investigations it provides.
In Prof. Hayek's department and under his guidance, a number of clinical, multi-center studies are being carried out, mostly in the cardiovascular and hyperlipidemia fields. Prof. Hayek has published some 60 scientific articles in prestigious international journals in the fields of mechanisms of atherosclerosis in the model of transgenic mice with atherosclerosis, macrophages, and patients with accelerated atherosclerosis. In addition, he has received numerous scholarships and grants for his work.
In 2000, Prof. Hayek became a senior lecturer and in 2001 he was appointed Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. Prof. Hayek provides clinical and frontal teaching to medicine students. Over the last two years he has also been one of the principals of the Integrative Course for 4th year medicine students.
  • Research area: Lipid Research
  • Key Word: Diabetes, Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular
  • Category: Clinical Research
List of publications
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