Department of Cardiology

Dr. Aharon Abbo

Phone number of Dr. Aharon Abbo04-7771149

Dr. Ronnie Abbo is an attending physician at the Cardiology department in Rambam Health Care Campus and Deputy Director of Rambam’s Center for Cardiovascular Research and Innovation, which aims to assist local startups to successfully reach the demanding first-in-human phase.

Before that, Dr. Abbo held positions in several international and local medical device companies, in roles like clinical development, marketing, and Chief Medical Officer, leading clinical studies and launching new devices for the electrophysiology and heart failure markets.

Dr. Abbo is a member of the 8400 Health Network and an elected board member of the Israeli Society for HealthTech, both aimed at advancing cooperation and synergy between academia, healthcare providers, and the Israeli health-tech industry.

Dr. Abbo holds an MD degree from Ben-Gurion University, an Internal Medicine specialty from Tel Aviv and Cornell Medical Centers, and an MA in Internal Medicine from Tel Aviv University, and is a graduate of the Medical Marketing Program at the UCLA Anderson School of Management.

  • Research area: Heart Failure
  • Key Word: Heart failure, Remote patient monitoring, Assist devices, Medical device development
  • Category: Clinical Research