Phone number of Professor Izhak Kehat04-7772342
Dr. Izhak Kehat is an Attending Cardiologist in the Echo Lab in the Department of Cardiology at Rambam Health Care Campus. He also heads the Cardiovascular System Biology Lab at the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and the Molecular Cardiology Lab at the Clinical Research Institute at Rambam. In addition, he is an Assistant Professor at the Technion.
Dr. Kehat graduated from the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine in 1997 (summa cum laude), and received his PhD from the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, studying cardiomyocytes from human embryonic stem cells, in 2005. He completed his residency in internal medicine in 2006 at Rambam, and a Fellowship in Cardiology, also at Rambam (2011). He performed post-doctoral studies under the supervision of Prof. Jeffery Molkentin at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (2006-2010).
Dr. Kehat’s clinical focus is on valve disease, valve calcification, heart failure and cardiomyopathies and cardiac imaging (Echo). In the research field, Dr. Kehat’s lab is studying the molecular mechanisms responsible for cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling during heart failure and in the process of valve and vascular calcification.